
For all the lorem ipsum in your Figma designs that you're definitely going to replace with real copy before launch.

This feature is only available to users on the Business Plan.
To upgrade, visit your billing settings.

import { Strong, Text, TextLink } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return (
      This feature is only available to users on the <Strong>Business Plan</Strong>. To upgrade, visit your{' '}
      <TextLink href="#">billing settings</TextLink>.

Component API

Text extends the JSX <p> element
children-The text the component should render.
TextLink extends the <Link> component
href-The URL for the link.
children-The text the component should render.
Strong extends the JSX <strong> element
children-The text the component should render.
Code extends the JSX <code> element
children-The text the component should render.


Basic example

Use the Text component for any custom paragraph text that should match the style of the text built in to your other components:

Deleting your account is permanent, and your data will not be able to be recovered.

import { Text } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return <Text>Deleting your account is permanent, and your data will not be able to be recovered.</Text>

Paragraphs using Text are responsive and automatically adapt to dark mode.

Use the TextLink component for any links within a Text component:

Deleting your account is permanent, and your data will not be able to be recovered. If you still want to use this account in the future, learn about pausing your subscription instead.

import { Text, TextLink } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return (
      Deleting your account is permanent, and your data will not be able to be recovered. If you still want to use this
      account in the future, learn about <TextLink href="#">pausing your subscription</TextLink> instead.

With strong

Use the Strong component for any text you want to emphasize within a Text component:

Deleting your account is permanent, and your account data cannot be recovered.

import { Strong, Text } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return (
      Deleting your account is permanent, and <Strong>your account data cannot be recovered</Strong>.

With code

Use the Code component for any inline code symbols within a Text component:

Your new API token is BaVrRKpRMS_ndKU. Store this token somewhere safe as it will only be displayed once.

import { Code, Text } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return (
      Your new API token is <Code>BaVrRKpRMS_ndKU</Code>. Store this token somewhere safe as it will only be displayed