
People need to be able to accept the terms and conditions they don't read somehow.


Decide where your events can be found across the web.

Make this event visible on your profile.

Allow others to embed your event details on their own site.

import { Checkbox, CheckboxField, CheckboxGroup } from '@/components/checkbox'
import { Description, Fieldset, Label, Legend } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Text } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return (
      <Text>Decide where your events can be found across the web.</Text>
          <Checkbox name="discoverability" value="show_on_events_page" defaultChecked />
          <Label>Show on events page</Label>
          <Description>Make this event visible on your profile.</Description>
          <Checkbox name="discoverability" value="allow_embedding" />
          <Label>Allow embedding</Label>
          <Description>Allow others to embed your event details on their own site.</Description>

Component API

Checkbox extends the Headless UI <Checkbox> component
colordark/zincThe color variant the checkbox should use.
disabledfalseWhether or not to disable the checkbox.
name-The name to use when submitting an HTML form.
value-The value to use when submitting an HTML form.
defaultChecked-The initial state of the checkbox.
checked-The controlled state of the checkbox.
onChange-Handler to call when the checkbox state changes.
CheckboxField extends the Headless UI <Field> component
disabledfalseWhether or not to disable the entire field.
CheckboxGroup extends the JSX <div> element
This component does not expose any component-specific props.
Label extends the Headless UI <Label> component
This component does not expose any component-specific props.
Description extends the Headless UI <Description> component
This component does not expose any component-specific props.


Basic example

Use the Checkbox component on its own to render a standalone checkbox without an associated Label component:

import { Checkbox } from '@/components/checkbox'

function Example() {
  return <Checkbox aria-label="Allow embedding" name="allow_embedding" />

Make sure to provide an aria-label for assistive technology, or connect the Checkbox to your own <label> element using an id.

With label

Wrap a Label and Checkbox with the CheckboxField component to automatically associate them using a generated ID:

import { Checkbox, CheckboxField } from '@/components/checkbox'
import { Label } from '@/components/fieldset'

function Example() {
  return (
      <Checkbox name="allow_embedding" />
      <Label>Allow embedding</Label>

With description

Use the CheckboxField, Label, and Description components to add a description below the checkbox:

Allow others to embed your event details on their own site.

import { Checkbox, CheckboxField } from '@/components/checkbox'
import { Description, Label } from '@/components/fieldset'

function Example() {
  return (
      <Checkbox name="allow_embedding" />
      <Label>Allow embedding</Label>
      <Description>Allow others to embed your event details on their own site.</Description>

With custom layout

Use the unstyled Field component from @headlessui/react directly instead of the styled CheckboxField component to implement a custom layout:

import { Checkbox } from '@/components/checkbox'
import { Label } from '@/components/fieldset'
import * as Headless from '@headlessui/react'

function Example() {
  return (
    <Headless.Field className="flex items-center justify-between gap-4">
      <Label>Allow embedding</Label>
      <Checkbox name="allow_embedding" />

Using the unstyled Field component will ensure important accessibility features are still handled for you like generating IDs and associating elements using aria-* attributes.

With accent color

Use the color prop to choose a different accent color for a checkbox:

import { Checkbox } from '@/components/checkbox'

function Example() {
  return <Checkbox color="sky" defaultChecked />

For a full list of included color variants, check out the checkbox color reference.

With custom value

Use the value prop to specify a custom value to use when submitting a form:

import { Checkbox } from '@/components/checkbox'

function Example() {
  return <Checkbox name="embed" value="allow" />

Default checked state

Use the defaultChecked prop to set the default state when using the Checkbox as an uncontrolled component:

import { Checkbox } from '@/components/checkbox'

function Example() {
  return <Checkbox defaultChecked />

Indeterminate state

Use the indeterminate prop to indicate that the Checkbox is in an indeterminate state, neither toggled on nor off:

import { Checkbox, CheckboxField, CheckboxGroup } from '@/components/checkbox'
import { Label } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { useState } from 'react'

const options = ['Show on events page', 'Allow embedding']

function Example() {
  let [selected, setSelected] = useState(['Show on events page'])

  return (
    <CheckboxGroup role="group" aria-label="Discoverability">
          checked={selected.length > 0}
          indeterminate={selected.length !== options.length}
          onChange={(checked) => setSelected(checked ? options : [])}
        <Label>Select all</Label>

      { => (
        <CheckboxField key={option}>
            onChange={(checked) => {
              return setSelected((pending) => {
                return checked ? [...pending, option] : pending.filter((item) => item !== option)

Controlled component

Use the checked and onChange props to use a Checkbox as a controlled component:

import { Checkbox } from '@/components/checkbox'
import { useState } from 'react'

function Example() {
  let [checked, setChecked] = useState(true)

  return <Checkbox checked={checked} onChange={setChecked} />

Multiple checkboxes

Use the CheckboxGroup component to stack multiple checkboxes together in a list:

Make this event visible on your profile.

Allow others to embed your event details on their own site.

import { Checkbox, CheckboxField, CheckboxGroup } from '@/components/checkbox'
import { Description, Label } from '@/components/fieldset'

function Example() {
  return (
        <Checkbox name="show_on_events_page" defaultChecked />
        <Label>Show on events page</Label>
        <Description>Make this event visible on your profile.</Description>
        <Checkbox name="allow_embedding" />
        <Label>Allow embedding</Label>
        <Description>Allow others to embed your event details on their own site.</Description>

You can optionally add role="group" and an aria-label to the CheckboxGroup if all of the checkboxes are related and you want them announced to assistive technology as a group.

With fieldset

Use the Fieldset, Legend, and Text components to add a title and description to a group of checkboxes:


Decide where your events can be found across the web.

Make this event visible on your profile.

Allow others to embed your event details on their own site.

import { Checkbox, CheckboxField, CheckboxGroup } from '@/components/checkbox'
import { Description, Fieldset, Label, Legend } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Text } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return (
      <Text>Decide where your events can be found across the web.</Text>
          <Checkbox name="discoverability" value="show_on_events_page" defaultChecked />
          <Label>Show on events page</Label>
          <Description>Make this event visible on your profile.</Description>
          <Checkbox name="discoverability" value="allow_embedding" />
          <Label>Allow embedding</Label>
          <Description>Allow others to embed your event details on their own site.</Description>

Disabled state

Add the disabled prop to a Checkbox or CheckboxField component to disable it:


Decide where your events can be found across the web.

Make this event visible on your profile.

Allow others to embed your event details on their own site.

import { Checkbox, CheckboxField, CheckboxGroup } from '@/components/checkbox'
import { Description, Fieldset, Label, Legend } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Text } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return (
      <Text>Decide where your events can be found across the web.</Text>
          <Checkbox name="discoverability" value="show_on_events_page" />
          <Label>Show on events page</Label>
          <Description>Make this event visible on your profile.</Description>
        <CheckboxField disabled>
          <Checkbox name="discoverability" value="allow_embedding" />
          <Label>Allow embedding</Label>
          <Description>Allow others to embed your event details on their own site.</Description>

You can also add the disabled prop to a Fieldset to disable the entire fieldset.


Color reference

By default, Catalyst includes two adaptive color variants that automatically change color between light and dark modes to maintain a consistent level of contrast:


Catalyst also includes 20 solid colors that don't change outside of subtle global changes we make to all checkboxes in dark mode:
